Don't pay more than you have to for self storage in your community; Fast Casual Storage is able to offer affordable storage to meet your every need when you choose our storage facility for short-term or long-term storage. Some building managers will try to convince you that you need extra space when the fact is, you only need space enough for your possessions and possible future items that may also go into storage. Take time to assess your inventory and work with our team to determine the right unit size to match your needs and budget.
4 Unique Ways to Save Money on Lexington Storage Units
1. If you go into a unit rental without first knowing what size unit you'll need, you'll end up with a lot of extra space that doesn't get used. You're paying for every square foot of empty storage space, so it pays to do your due diligence before contacting a rental facility. As far as your budget goes, you'll be much better off with a tightly crowded storage space rather than paying for a unit that's twice the size you need. Storage experts from Fast Casual Storage are happy to assist you when you need self storage service.
2. You may not have considered the time it takes for you to drive to your storage unit and return home when you need to retrieve an item or box out of storage. Not only is gasoline expensive, but your time is money, as well. Choose Lexington storage units that are close to home; Fast Casual Storage is conveniently situated on Sunset Blvd in Lexington. Our facility is strategically located near popular shopping spots and entertainment sites, as well.
3. Call around to compare prices before renting Lexington storage units; you'll find that prices vary significantly from one facility to the next. When you choose a unit rental at Fast Casual Storage, you'll end up saving money each and every month your belongings are in storage. Our popular 5'x10' unit is just $55 per month to rent; at about the same size as a walk-in closet, our smallest units are ideal for a small garage cleanout or household declutter event and will store 12 boxes, a mattress and box spring, a desk, and a chair. Check out all of our unit sizes on our website.
4. Inquire about in-house insurance to protect your valuables, heirlooms, and personal possessions- coverage at Fast Casual Storage starts at just $9 per month and covers a wide range of natural disasters and other calamities that can occur during storage. Your homeowners policy may not extend to items in storage; for more information, reach us at 864-715-5160.
Find out about move-in specials, discounts, and other advantages of renting a self storage unit from Fast Casual Storage when you contact us online or by phone. You'll experience tremendous peace of mind by getting organized in your home, garage, or work space; we make it easy and affordable to store all of your belongings.
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